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Community Builders: Making Our Communities Great

We work with leaders and community builders in the public and not-for-profit sector that are focused on making transformational change for the communities we live in. They are looking to challenge the status quo, rethink how to deliver on their mandate, and ultimately make our communities great.

Strategic Planning

We work with you the community builders and your team to define your strategic direction in a simple, but pragmatic way, to achieve transformational growth and change to drive greater social impact.

Learn more here.

Strategic Agility

We will work with you and your team to look at providing services or solving community challenges in a different way. Together we will apply aspects of design thinking and best practices from industry on how to become more agile from a strategic perspective and co-create strategies that can be tested and validated quickly to enable greater impact in the community.

Post-Merger Integration

More and more organizations are looking for ways to partner, consolidate and share teams, or merge to create greater impact with limited resources. We work with your leadership teams to determine how to maintain mission fidelity, purpose, and culture, find ways to combine like-minded organizations to provide greater impact to its stakeholders, and identify and pursue opportunities for cost reduction and collaboration. Because integrations can be hard to get right, we’ve also written a guide to help leaders get started – get your free copy here.

Business and Operating Model Design

We will work with you to define new and improved ways of working to deliver on your mandate. Working together, we can co-create new business models to mitigate declining revenues, recognize opportunities to disrupt how things are traditionally done, or identify different ways of working that will create more impact.

Organizational Restructuring

We will work with you to assess, design, and implement a new organizational structure that will enable the achievement of your mandate. Such as, enabling a new strategic direction or service delivery model, rethinking how work is done with the introduction of artificial intelligence, implementing an ‘agile’ organizational structure, or achieving headcount reduction objectives.

Leadership and Team Performance

We will work with you and your team to fully tap into your leadership potential so you can deliver on your mandate and create more impact for the stakeholders you serve, while increasing the team’s overall engagement and performance.


Organizational Culture

You have clear aspirations of what you want your culture to be and how you will use it to deliver on your mandate. We help you figure out how to make this vision a reality and navigate all the really important “touchy-feely” stuff required to get there.

Enabling Agile Organizations

Agile is not just for the private sector. We will work with you and your team to achieve your aspirational goal of becoming and operating in a more agile manner. We will help you identify where you need to have stability to be agile, identify necessary changes to leadership styles and culture, change how teams work together, and decipher terms such as product owners, tribes and squads.

Transformation Program Execution

We will work with you to execute your transformation and ensure that you aren’t one of the more than 70% of organizational transformations that fail. Working alongside you and your team, we will help instill the process, rigor, and discipline required to transform your organization. Whether the transformation is a large project or requires an overall transformation program office, we are your partners to make the desired change real and lasting.

Customer Experience (CX)

We will work with you to make your obsession with delighting your customers (or stakeholders) a reality. Working with you and your team, we will define your overall CX strategy, capture and measure the voice of your customer, and design exceptional experiences by assessing the customer’s journey and identifying what is required to delight in the moments that matter.

Employee Experience (EX)

We will work with you and your team to create great employee experiences. Together, we will identify what matters most to your employees and co-create employee journeys that will delight in the moments that matter.

Think we might be able to help, but want more information about these offerings? Set up a quick call with us so we can better understand your needs and recommend a solution that’s right for you.

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