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Untapped Potential is training, coaching, and reusable playbooks to help you plan, execute, and scale up to achieve your wildest business goals.

Request a Free 45 Minute Discovery Call Today

UP Training Program

UP is an immersive training program designed for leaders and leadership teams who are growing and scaling their businesses. Our UP training program is broken into four modules that build on each other to make meaningful progress.

UP Leadership Development

We will work with you to understand your leadership style, skills, knowledge, and abilities to lead and inspire others toward shared goals and values effectively. Stack’d is an Everything DiSC® certified partner.

UP Strategy

We work with leadership teams to develop a strategy grounded in your company’s purpose and pragmatic ways to support the execution of the strategic plan to scale up and grow.

How it Works

The UP Program is structured around four pivotal pillars for scaling businesses: Strategy, Numbers, People, and Processes, all firmly anchored in Execution Discipline and Leadership. These four modules build upon the other and include templates and tools that offer repeatability and scalability for your business.

Learn More

It is time to untap the potential that exists within you, your team, and your business.

Scaling your business is tough business. No one gets through unscathed, but what if you had a guide that could help keep you from the most dangerous pitfalls? What if you could learn from the wins and losses of those that have come before you? 

Untapped Potential is where we empower bold leaders, leadership teams and founders to unlock the true potential of their business, surpass their goals, and create a championship team that consistently delivers exceptional results.

We help leaders move from:

  • Overwhelmed to Focused
  • Lonely to Rallied Around
  • Stressed to Excited
  • Uncertain to Clear
  • Working In Your Business to Working On Your Business

Request a Free 45 Minute Discovery Call Today


Plateau'd Out

What got us here, will not get us there. 

New Leaders

You have big dreams or a bold mandate to achieve.

Stuck in Operations

You want to move past simply treading water.


Untapped Potential leverages Stack’d Consulting’s years of experience and innovative approaches to elevate and scale your business to new heights.

Unmatched Commitment

We are dedicated to seeing our clients succeed. Your goals become our goals, and we will work tirelessly to help you achieve them.

Emphasis on Strategic Mindset

We instil a strategic mindset in all our clients. This mindset empowers you and your team to continuously learn, adapt, and evolve to meet any challenges that may arise.

Results-Oriented Approach

We understand that results matter and believe that success is achieved through flexible and adaptable methods rather than a rigid one-size-fits-all formula.

Book a Call


Working with Dustin, you quickly realize, as a business owner, you genuinely don’t know what you don’t know. He helped me move past the day-to-day tasks and focus on the drivers of my business; strategy, processes, accountability, etc. This shift in mindset and leadership has enabled us to focus our efforts, resources and decision-making on initiatives that support our strategic direction. Dustin is able to help entrepreneurs and owners reduce the number of distractions in their business and focus on what is important to them and their goals.

Ryan Hohman, BA, CFP - Co-Founder
Insight Wealth Management

Dustin coached me through an interesting time in my business, Snap Dance Studios, where it was closed down twice due to the pandemic. He inspired me to get out of the day-to-day grind and focus on high-level decision-making and planning. Working with Dustin provided me with many Oprah-type A-HA moments. Dustin is a straight shooter, a nice person, and brings management consulting level knowledge and experience to the world of small business.

Untapped Potential is the answer if you are looking to grow your business or as a leader.

Country Sproule, Founder & CEO
Snap Dance Studios

As the Principal of Worthington PR & Story and an entrepreneur with a growing business, I’m constantly navigating new crossroads that I hope will positively affect my team, our clients and our partners. One of Dustin’s many strengths lies in asking the right questions that allow you to feel empowered to pause, think and then make big decisions with confidence. I trust his strategies, and his wisdom has helped me take my business into new and exciting territory.

Paula Worthington, Founder and Principal
Worthington PR & Story

Dustin’s wealth of entrepreneurial experience and knowledge, thoroughness, and candid demeanour are just a few of the qualities that make him a fantastic coach. Dustin isn’t afraid to ask you the hard questions when being presented with a problem and uses those insightful questions to challenge you to solve the problem and find the solution on your own. Dustin keeps you focused and accountable for your goals, and he truly wants his clients to succeed.

I would recommend him any day for anyone looking to challenge and better your business through professional coaching!

Julie Shipley-Strickland, CFP - Senior Wealth Advisor
Wellington-Altus Private Wealth Inc.

I initially signed up for Untapped Potential because my company was growing, and I knew that simply being operationally efficient wasn’t going to cut it. I was overwhelmed, my staff was overwhelmed, and the consistency of our products and services were slipping. Untapped has helped us establish a foundation not only to grow but to scale, and Dustin’s ability to ask the hard questions and challenge me in all areas of strategy helped me to be a better leader, which ultimately led to having a better team. I would highly recommend UP to any team looking to level up, be great, and scale.

Margarita de Guzman, M.A., RPA, Managing Director
Circle CRM Group Inc.

Dustin helped me as a business leader understand the bigger picture and overarching goals of our vision and business at Local Laundry, but most importantly, how to achieve them. Breaking things down into small, almost bite-size goals with clear-cut metrics, accountabilities, and timelines, made getting things done easier without feeling overwhelmed.

Knowing how to put a proper plan in place and how to execute and measure success has allowed us to grow as a business, but more importantly has allowed us to empower our team members and get everyone on the same page.

We owe a large part of our success over the last two years to Dustin’s wisdom and guidance.

Connor Curran, Chief Laundry Folder
Local Laundry

As an entrepreneur, it’s really easy to overthink things or get too deep in your business’ day-to-day because, after all, it’s your baby… you’re personally invested, and failure isn’t an option. Working with Dustin really helped me get to a more macro level in my business, where I can see connections easier. It’s a place where it’s much easier to see what really impacts your business and, more importantly, how to develop simple strategies based on the information at hand to implement strategies to change the direction of your business. Working with Dustin, you feel he is personally invested in your success and holds you accountable to your commitments, something a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with.

Jon Holden, Partner + COO
Forward Level Marketing
Rating : 5

Learn how to transform and evolve your business. Build a business that surpasses your wildest dreams.

You Will Achieve:

  • Everyone in the company knows why we exist, what we are trying to achieve, and what our most important priorities are.
  • We have intentionally designed how we operate in a way that is unique, difficult to replicate, and provides exceptional value to our customers.
  • You have a championship team that all team members would fight to keep.
  • A high-performing leadership team that trusts each other and fights hard to move the business forward.
  • The team is ruthlessly focused on execution, delivering value to customers, and improving day-to-day work.
  • Is nimble, agile, and quick to respond to the biggest opportunities, without losing momentum in the core business.
  • Employees stay and defend the culture of the business.
  • The team know and obsess about the moments that matter to your customers, and create amazing loyalty.
  • Team members know the metrics and key performance indicators that they own, and are accountable to improve over time.
  • We know and understand our financial performance, getting timely data on whatever is most important at the time (e.g. Revenue, Profit, Enterprise Value, etc.)


Fill out the form below and our team will get in touch with you to untap your potential and to see if you qualify for funding under the Canada Alberta Job Grant.

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